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2020-02-27 10:28:16  来源:我要模考 文章作者:我要模考



Part A Reading Aloud
In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.
This ancient, tropical sea had a great number of fish and rich coral reefs. The sea floor was covered in many species, many now extinct. Just as scientists had imagined, when some of these creatures died, they were preserved intact. Their shells then became buried in the sediments at the bottom of the sea, and preserved as fossils when the sediment turned to rock. But what could these fossils reveal about the formation of the Alps? Again, it was the scientists’ exceptional powers of observation that helped solve the mystery. They noticed that the spectacular fossil-bearing rock, known as limestone, was laid down in layers several thousand feet deep.
Part B Role Play
In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.
Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips.
1. 大孩子活与高中生活有什么不同?
2. 你是如何适应大孩子活的?
3. 你在大学面临的较大问题是什么?
Please get ready to answer five questions in English.
Part C Retelling
In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell what you have heard in your own words.
Part A 略
Part B
W: Hello, Andy. How are you doing these days?
M: I’m fine, Tracy. I just graduated from college. And now I work as a doctor in a hospital in my hometown.
W: Congratulations! Your dream of being a doctor finally came true!
M: Thank you! What about you?
W: I’ve been accepted by the New York University. I’ll go to study there in August.
M: Wow, that’s great! You’ll start a new life there. Trust me!
W: Really? May I ask you some questions about life in college?
M: Certainly!
        1. What’s the difference between life in college and that in high school?
        2. What are the differences between university life and high school life?
        3. What’s the difference between life in college and life in high school?
        4. What’s the difference between life in university and that in high school?
        5. What’s the difference between life in university and life in high school?
        6. What’s the difference between college life and high school life?
        7. What are the differences between college life and high school life?
        8. What are the differences between life in (university)|(college) and life in high school?
录音答:There are many differences. The greatest difference is that college students should learn to manage their time in studying by themselves. I spent most of my time studying in the school library. It was my favourite place in college.
        1. How did you adapt yourself to the college life?
        2. How did you adjust to the university life?
        3. How did you get accustomed to life in college?
        4. How did you get accustomed to life in university?
        5. How did you accustom yourself to life in college?
        6. How did you adapt yourself to the university life?
        7. How did you adapt to the college life?
        8. How did you accustom yourself to the life in university?
        9. How did you adjust yourself to the (college)|(university) life?
        10. How did you adjust to the life in (college)|(university)?
        11. How did you adapt to the university life?
录音答:Being active is my way to get accustomed to college life. Life in college was free but I never wasted any minute of it. I studied hard and I played hard. I joined a tennis club two years ago. Now I play tennis well.
        1. What was the biggest problem you faced in college?
        2. What was the most serious problem you faced in university?
        3. What was your biggest problem when you were in college?
        4. What was the most serious problem you faced in college?
        5. What was the biggest problem you faced in university?
        6. What was your biggest problem when you were in university?
录音答:Eh… I think it was hard to me to get along well with my roommates at first. I had three roommates. We all have different characters, so sometimes we quarreled with each other. But as time went by, we understood each other very well and became friends. They are my best friends now.
Q1: What does Andy do?
A1: A doctor.
A2: He is a doctor.
A3: Andy is a doctor.
A4: (He)|(Andy) works as a doctor.
Q2: When will you go to New York University?
A1: In August.
A2: I’ll go there in August.
A3: I’ll go to New York University in August.
Q3: What was Andy’s favourite place in college?
A1: The school library.
A2: The school library was his favourite place in college.
A3: The school library was Andy’s favourite place in college.
A4: (Andy’s)|(His) favourite place in college is the school library.
A5: The library.
Q4: What did Andy join two years ago?
A1: A tennis club.
A2: He joined a tennis club two years ago.
A3: Andy joined a tennis club two years ago.
A4: (He)|(Andy) joined a tennis club.
Q5: How many roommates did Andy have in college?
A1: Three.
A2: Three roommates.
A3: Andy had three roommates.
A4: He had three roommates.
A5: He had three roommates in college.
A6: Andy had three roommates in college.
Part C
A Foolish Traveler
    An Englishman traveled to Germany. He spent a lot of money on his trip. On the last day, he found he had little money left, only just enough to buy a ticket for his journey back home by ship. It would take him two days to go back to England, so he decided that he would spend these two days without food. Then he bought a ticket and got on the ship. The man told himself that he was not hungry at all. The man closed his ears so as not to hear the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner time came, he didn’t go to the dinning room, saying that he was not feeling very well. The next morning, he still didn’t have breakfast. And at lunchtime, again, he stayed in his room without eating anything. But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he went to the dinning room and ate up everything the waiter put in front of him. He was worried and got ready for the quarrel. “Bring me the bill,” he said. “The bill, sir?” said the waiter in surprise. “There isn’t any bill. On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket.”
1. An Englishman traveled to Germany.
2. He spent most of his money and only had enough money for a return ticket.
3. He bought a ticket and got on the ship to England.
4. It would take him two days to arrive home.
5. He spent the first day without eating anything.
6. The next day he stayed in his room until dinner time.
7. He couldn’t stand the hunger and went to the dining room.
8. He ate up all the food that the waiter had put in front of him.
9. He asked the waiter for the bill.
10. The waiter told him that meals were included in the money for the ticket.
    An Englishman spent most of his money traveling in Germany and found himself with only enough money to buy the ticket to go back home. He bought a ticket and got on the ship. It would take him two days to go back home, so he decided that he would spend these two days without any food. On the first day, he ignored the sound of the lunch bell and didn’t eat anything. The next day he stayed in his room until dinnertime came. He went to the dining room and ate up everything that the waiter put in front of him. After the dinner, he asked the waiter for the bill. To his surprise, he was told that he didn’t need to pay the bill, because the meals were included in the money for the ticket.
    An Englishman traveled to Germany. He spent most of his money and only had enough money for the return ticket. He bought a ticket and got on the ship back to England. It would take him two days to arrive home. Knowing that there was no money to buy food, he decided to eat nothing on the ship. On the first day he succeeded and didn’t eat anything. The next day he stayed in his room until dinner time. However, he couldn’t stand the hunger any more and went to the dining room. He ate up all the food that the waiter had put in front of him. When he asked the waiter for the bill, the waiter told him that meals were included in the money for the ticket.



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